Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Back to the Start

Beautiful ad with lovely small details by film-maker Johnny Kelly and a very nice cover for one of Coldplay's classics 'The Scientist' by Willie Nelson.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Tina's Lentil Soup

Tina taught me this super easy soup recipe when I was just starting to cook.
I still make it quite often, and everybody just loves it. Try it!

2 big onions, diced
1 cup of orange lentils
1/4 cup of egyptian rice
5 cups of water
1/2 broth cube
a good lug of oil
salt & pepper

Heat a non sticky pan (lentils stick!) with a lug of oil, add the onions and the salt right away (the salt brings out the flavor of the onion).
When the onions are light brown, add the lentils, the rice, the water, the broth, and the pepper.
Keep on medium fire with the cover half open and give it a twirl every once in a while, adding water when the soup becomes thick.
The trick is to start tasting it after around 20-25 minutes, until the lentils are tender.
The texture should be medium thick, so don't be afraid to add as much water as needed to get the texture you want!

Enjoy and please do comment if you try it :)

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Takahiro Kimura

Takahiro Kimura is a Japanese animator, illustrator and character designer. 
He creates unique style of collages that strives to show the complicated nature of the human spirit through peculiar physical distortions. His collages are made by cutting up photos and rearranging them into a collage to which color is then applied, thereby creating a whole new visage with an unforgettable impact.

Captain Colour

Captain Colour is a name I came up with while mixing random words with a good friend of mine a while back. Even though I created the logo and started the blog only a few days later, it took me 2 years to decide what to do with it..
Captain Colour would be a virtual space filled with lots and lots of things I love! As diverse as they might be!! A fragment of the web, "rien que pour me faire plaisir"!!